H.E.A.L. Helping Everyone Access Life
A nonprofit focused on bringing holistic wellness to all through intentional choices in opportunities for passages of living as authentic beings. A community to support conscious living, youth safe havens, rites of passage young adult mentoring programs, lifestyle retreat fundraising for healing into wellness, sustainable eco villages with farming and humanitarian learning centers.

Emerging Passages of Soul Based Living
Wellness for All
Innate Body Wisdom: Healing through Wholistic Wisdoms
Our innate healing is our bodies wisdom to regenerate, release, reorganize, restore, remember. There are times our bodies need a comprehensive wholistic approach to activate our natural immunity and healing process. This can be done through healthy food choices, supplements, IV treatments, bodywork, energy healing and psychological emotional support.
This program assists people in finding those places and funds for wholistic approaches in healing chronic and terminal dis-eases; In addition to advocating for self education to be your own healer. Part of this education is implementing lifestyle changes which can be practiced at our partnered retreat centers, community wellness programs and sustainable farming communities.
In certain situations you may need support to come to you. This can be done through our Healing HANS program an Herbal Aid Nursing System.
Our direct OneLoveHeals community of practitioners will have some of profits going back into the nonprofit.

Youth Haven
Passage of Being
Imagine a safe space for youth to come as they are, to connect with their purpose and find support in living authentic sustainable lives.
The One Love Heals Youth Haven is a drop in resource center for youth to take pause in life situations and recenter in their well being.
There is space for workshops, events, cultural awareness elder leadership offerings, life skill or group activities, rotating therapists and a deescalation self help meditation and wellness awareness room. Youth may expand the practice of these skills at partnership communities and eco villages offering sustainable living skills, rites of passage ceremonial retreats, and servicing their community with educational volunteer opportunities and apprenticeship.
This center will continue to host The LGBTQ+ Youth and Allies; RAYG(rainbow alliance youth group) meetup on first Saturdays and other days focused on supportive events.
All youth 12-18 and young adults approved for our intern program are welcome when they can leave their judgment and differences at the door. This space is here to prevent the rise in suicide, autoimmune disease, human trafficking and violence that has been passed through generations of trauma and epigenetics.
The goal is to empower youth to live a life of authenticity, sustainability and holistic wellness that ensures the ability of reciprocity with all living systems on Earth.
Food Sovereignty and Sustainable Living
Ecopsychology Awareness
Wellness for all means being attentive to what we put into our bodies, where what we consume came from, how it was grown, the health of the soil that gave it its nutrients and the environment this place on earth is immersed in. Participating in growing our own food is part of holistic health. Being connected to the land is part of growing in wellness. Understanding indigenous cultures wisdoms that lived through these perspectives is part of universal healing and sustainable living. Creating global food forests, sustainable housing systems with rainwater collection, food is free distribution locations will contribute to wellness for all. Having basic needs met will lead to humanity living attuned to their parasympathetic nervous system. Participating in life from a place of peace can have a ripple effect on global wellness.

The Co-Founders
Devon is an Ordained Minister with twenty years experience as a healing arts practitioner and has a BA in Therapeutic use of the Wilderness, minor in dance and permaculture certification.
Her approach to healing through life guidance, energy medicine and technical skills includes studies in Holistic Health, Shamanic Healing, Breathwork, Therapeutic Massage, Hot Stones, Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Technician, Aromatherapy, Acupressure, Reiki Master, Seichim, Quantum Touch, Pranic Healing, Pranic Psychotherapy, ZaZen Buddhist Meditation and a new art called Emergence Care.
Throughout her life, Devon has worked with a wide range of people, including mothers, children born with addiction, women in transition, persons who were paralyzed or healing through a chronic condition and youth-at-risk and their families, in outdoor, medical and crisis shelter settings. In each of these experiences, her desire is always to find a way to assist people in connecting with themselves and experiencing peace. Devon believes in taking care of one’s self through preventative healthcare, active education, and inner guidance wisdom.
Tom Kirkham is dedicated to his continuous education and the mission of this education to support each individual in their journey of learning to heal themselves through greater introspection and integration of becoming the self they wish to be for themselves and the community they participate.
Since completing his masters at Saybrook Tom has continued to serve his community and deepen his personal work. Tom successfully attained a therapeutic massage license along many hours in continued education. He has completed a yoga teacher training course; a mediation course; and Shamans Heart program with Byron Metcalf. He acknowledges that deepening self healing is part of maintaining a practice and has participated in a month long healing intensive with shepibos in Peru and many hours with eastern and western health practitioners while learning to heal through his and his two children’s chronic Lyme disease and co-infections.
His most recent studies has been training with Dr. Steven Teagarden for the past five years in a new modality called Emergence Care.
Over this past decade while being a student, husband, and father Tom also grew as a healing arts practitioner. He offered workshops in dreamwork, shamanic journeying, breath work and mandala drawing, yoga classes, men’s groups and most recently a Soul Emergence soul based living retreat in Hawaii. Toms workshops and individual sessions with his clients have taught him the growing need for people’s desire to move into wholeness. He is currently working on his PhD in clinical psychology to greater serve his community.
Before Devon and Tom started two businesses around Baltimore and Austin and offering retreats in Hawaii to serve their community in healing through wellness; they both worked in medical settings for youth at risk, adults releasing addiction and persons with different abilities. They vision applying all their experience and skills in offering a drop in wellness center for youth, a permaculture sanctuary for retreats and community education to advocate for all beings to find their way in the world with ease, grace, joy and wellness; a rites of passage towards soul based living.
We started One Love Heals because we believe in the power of self-healing. It begins with loving oneself, being your own witness in a space of non-judgement, and moving that energy of self love into universal love.

Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The first wealth is health"